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HRMS - ITIS 360 Degree Feedback

Get feedback from multiple sources for self-development

- This module allows employees to solicit feedback from their subordinates, peers and seniors to know how they are perceived by other employees they interact with. This feedback helps an individual to identify areas of improvement and thus prepare a self development plan.
The management can utilize this module for 3600 degrees appraisal of the employees.

Features of 3600 Feedback

  • Feedback form is fully customizable.
  • Contains a configurable workflow that allows HR Managers to initiate the process and specify the minimum and maximum number of peers, subordinates and seniors an employee can select while initiating the feedback.
  • Employees can choose from whom they desire to obtain the feedback.
  • Management can nominate employees for 3600 evaluation.
  • The compiled feedback is shared without revealing respondent's identity.
  • Provides a number of customizable reports including real time status monitoring of the process.
  • Provides spell-check and writing assistant.
  • Can be used by HR consultants to manage 3600 feedback for their clients.

Benefits of ITIS 3600 Feedback

  • Employee can select different ratees every time the feedback is collected.
  • Additional ratees for an employee can be added by HR.
  • Confidentiality can be provided for any information.
  • Helps an employee to understand his “Self - Development Needs” based on how others view him.
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