HRMS - Self Services Module
- Completely paperless employee services, A satisfied workforce,
- HR department employees spend significant time in managing employee requests which are typically paper based. This is an extremely expensive, error prone, time consuming and repetitive mode of personnel administration. Automation results in savings in time, effort and a qualitative improvement in the HR services. The end result is speedy decision making, enhanced employee satisfaction and significant savings.
Features for Employee Self Service
Allows employees to view their personal details & update their data
This includes uploading of digital photograph, dependents information, contact address update, training details and certifications, experience profile etc, Includes an approval workflow which allows HR to verify the updates before accepting the same.
Contains workflows to manage HR transactions related to:
- Leave requests .
- Expenses.
- Application for open positions.
- Request for training and seminars
- Conference room bookings.
- Transport requests.
- Travel approvals.
- Complaint & Ticket logging .
Allows employees access to company policy documents.
Allows employees to view past salary slips.
Allows access to company directory.
Provides multiple-help desks :
- Such as Leave Help Desk, Complaints Help Desk, Travel Help Desk, Accounts Help desk etc. To efficiently steer all employee related processes.